Jesus loves the little ones like me
People say you should love your neighbor as yourself, or you should treat others how you would like to be treated. But Jesus has a better commandment.
John 13:34 "... that you love one another; as I have loved you ..."
How much did Jesus love us? And maybe a better question is how did he do this?
Of course he died on the cross for our sins, saving us, but most of us will not love others this way. In a practical sense, however, Jesus gave us many examples to follow.
Jesus said that he did not come to this world to judge it , but to save it. If Jesus didn't judge, why do we judge people so much? (wait a minute, did I just make a judgement, ha. no, no, a mere question) Even on levels that seem ok to do some judging such as homosexuality, swearing, lying, or abortion; why do we do it?
An example of how Jesus loved and didn't judge was when there was a woman caught in the act of adultry. She lied, she was unfaithful to her spouse. According to Jewish law, she was to be stoned. The Pharisees wanted to trick Jesus. They asked Him what should be done. Jesus replied with love by saying, "Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone." The crowd dispersed and Jesus was alone with the woman. He looked at her and asked her where her accusers went. She said that they left. Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you; now go and sin now more."
It's not like He didn't acknowledge that the woman sinned - he said "go and sin no more." This implied she sinned. But Jesus said he would not judge/condemn her.
How often are we like the Pharisees - quick to cast judgement/condemn others or groups of people? I am not condoning such actions as abortions or homosexuality. I just know that we are supposed to follow Christ's example of loving one another as he has loved us. If Jesus were here today in bodily form, he would not be judging those individuals or groups of people, he would be loving them. Not condemning them, but trying to save them from sin, just like he would be trying to save me from mine.
Remember the Kingdom of God is at hand. It is now.
Jesus loves the little ones like me.
Amen...Amen my love!! I think people judge because it makes them feel better about themselves, and it makes them feel powerful. Like they have some measure of discipline that the ones they are judging do not posess. I can't wait for you to come home today!!
7/18/2005 1:37 PM
i have just been set a homeowrk at my school - and it asks how does jesus show his love - this has helped me gratefully - thanks xxxx
9/27/2006 12:55 PM
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