
decorative rocks: Beauty or the Beast

So I know that I haven't written for awhile... okay like forever. But let me explain. You see, it is fall. So many things are happening for me in the fall.
  • I am a teacher and the school year starts.
  • In baseball the pennant races heat up in Sept/Oct and the playoffs begin
  • Football starts, which also means that Fantasy Football starts up. In August the drafts take place (I am in 3 leagues: Currently my teams are all 3-2, which is respectable)
  • My wife is pregnant and sick. (This means that I am taking care of Faith a lot more, which is great, but time consuming especially since I am not a very good multitasker.)
  • I participate in 2 small groups on Tuesday and Wednesday nights with our church. (1 youth oriented and one 20-30's group)

So that is how I have been spending my time.

Okay - back to the main idea of the post.

Have any of you noticed at some new establishments their ideas for landscape architecture are decorative rocks?

I mean truly I understand the concept of rocks being beautiful. I love the mountains - I wouldn't mind at all living close to them. They truly show God's power and his creativity, his brilliance. But for people to think that a rock is decorative when it is about 3 ft by 3 ft by 3 ft sitting on the edge of grass, where a curb is supposed to be, makes totally no sense to me. In fact every time I see some stupid decorative rock it makes me never want to visit that place ever again! It's like they take a rock and put it in the lawn and think that it is beautiful. Put it in a park, or leave it in nature.

2 months ago I was pulling into one of these establishments for a cup of coffee for my wife and scraped the bottom/side of my passenger side sliding door!!! I couldn't believe it. First of all, I couldn't really see it. Secondly, it was almost on the road where one would drive. Crazy? Yes, that is what I was thinking... and maybe a few other things.

Either way, I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on the meaningless subject of decorative rocks. Please vote for or against in your comment and give a reason either way.

I'm back - Kel


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh I think decorative rocks are
a waste mainly because they don't
serve a purpose. But on the other
side it's the eye of the beholder.
But still either put them in a lake or use it as a grave stone.

10/11/2005 1:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, i should visit your site more often. i think decorative rocks are lame, but does that rule out rock gardens, i think there is something to those maybe. the solitary big rocks versus the collected numerous small ones. my neighbor had some rocks at the edge of his drive way but i think it was less decorative and more as a way to have people stop running over his grass. i think dirty dishes would make a better decoration, maybe scatter them all over some ones yard, just a thought.

10/12/2005 11:45 PM

Blogger Miranda said...

I'm not a fan of rocks. Flowers and grass are way more pretty.

10/13/2005 9:40 AM

Blogger Michelle said...

Decorative Rocks are awful, and they jump out at cars. I like Karen's idea of dirty dishes. The I wouldn't have to worry about ones with spoiled milk in the bottom. :)

10/13/2005 2:28 PM

Blogger twinsfan37 said...

Thanks everyone for your comments - they make me want to be a better blogger. Especially you KevinEricks9019. And your blog is so great too. I want a free labtop computer.

Karen - Rock Gardens are totally different. I think they are fine and dandy. sometimes even beautiful. Rocks that are there to impede and hurt cars but are deemed decorative - those are the ones i can't stand.

Mandy - How in the world did you know I posted? It has been two months. Thanks for your comments.

Mish - As always you are so clever and you love the inside jokes. Dirty Dishes will rise again, but hopefully only when Tiffany is doing them and now when I am playing the music. Love - Quame

10/13/2005 3:11 PM

Blogger Miranda said...

I'm a blogger stalker.

10/14/2005 9:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, my friend norma and her husband joe own their own landscaping company. really rich people pay really good money for pointless objects. then again, so do struggling families who get materialistic and want to look like the rich people. but, maybe some people from them hills down south want something to remind them of home. so... they bring up a really big rock to remind them of what the mountains are like..... and then there is always the unfortunate situation that one moves into a new home and the previous owners had an assortment of pointless,yet decorative rocks in the yard. and darn it! they are just too heavy to move. in any case, there aren't too many reasons for giant rocks around the lawn. oh well. to each his own, right?

10/15/2005 9:07 PM

Blogger Duck Hunter said...

I think you like decorative rocks. Or that you USED to like them until you drove your car into one.

I've seen some people that use them on the side of their property that borders the road so people won't drive on their grass.

If you couldn't tell, i like rocks.

11/05/2005 11:57 PM


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