Humbling/Cowardice - The Tiger in me
You know some people think they know everything. And some of them actually do know a lot. Others who think they know everything really don't know much at all. Then there are some who don't know anything at all. Or others who know some things but are to quiet to mention it. The people that know some things but are too scared or unwilling to learn new things out of fear - that is my camp. I'm admitting it to you now. Wow... that took a lot.
But I want to let you all know that I can become someone else. Not like multiple personality kel, but just an evolving person that tries new things and gets better at the few things he does know.
You all know that I enjoy baseball and football and fantasy sports. And those interests will probably stay around for awhile. But I am capable of more.
It started about a month ago. We were at the cabin and todd said that he would only go waterskiing if i went. Well, Andy was going to go for his first time too. I stunk at waterskiing. It was embarassing for me. I couldn't even get up. But I figured why not. I 'll give it a try. Why can't I have that attitude with more things? Turns out I actually got up and went about 100 yards. last week I went again and this time I went around the lake and crashed twice. 2 major wipe outs. the first time i crashed i went shoulder/face first into the water outside the wake. I couldn't figure a way to get back in. My shoulder feels like a tore something and the other time
the skiis flew off of me and the one hit me just above the eye. It still feels sore. But you know - it felt so freeing to do something that I thought I was incapable of doing. I felt like I did when I was 8 and I truly thought that I could be a pro football or baseball player if I kept at it. Now I know that i'm not going to be a pro skiier - but more than likely if i keep working at it, I should get better at it. And more importantly - I believe that I can do anything (go waterskiing, make omelettes, fix my computer) if I try. I need to believe and know that we can do all things thru Christ Jesus our Lord. Even insignificant things like waterskiing - can be significant if they jumpstart your hunger to do better, to learn more.
kel tiger
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