U.S. Cities
I was just in Chicago at its famous Shedd Acquarium with Faith and Audrey. Mish wrote about it and put up pictures on her blog. It made me realize how much I miss cities. Visiting them, participating in that style, or touring them on vacation. So here are my top 5 cities that I have experienced.

1. Minneapolis - This is an obvious bias, living there for 5 years and experiencing so much fun and times there. I especially loved St. Anthony Main, Uptown, and the University of MN. I even had the experience of working at one of its sky scrapers (now my sister works downtown in the TCF Tower). I could go into more detail, but I'll just say that I'll answer any questions that anyone wants to know. Fair enough.
2. Seattle - I was on a Mission's project in Seattle during the summer of 1998. I loved the whole Puget Sound/Mt. Rainier landscape. Truly beautiful. The city has so much character and so many cool spots. I even went to Jimi Hendrix's grave.
3. Chicago - How many skyscrapers can one city have? Between the music scene, its sports' teams, museums, and Lake Michigan, Chicago is the best big city out there. My apologies to New York and Los Angeles.
4. Denver - I never spent a great deal of time in Denver. I probably spent more in the surrounding areas, like Boulder, Monument, Castle Rock and Colorado Spings. I just can't get over such a large city in such proximity to the Rocky Mountains.
5. Boston - I joined marching band in 9th grade just so I could go to this Boston trip and go to Fenway. I think if I would have been born and raised in Boston, I would have been Jimmy Fallon in Fever Pitch. It just made the whole trip. I also loved the historical parts we visited.
I'd love to hear from any of you out there. What are your top 5 cities that you have experienced? Tell me about it.
Kel ~
I'm not sure I even have five:
1. Minneapolis - my whole comment could revolve around this city alone. The list of places and memories would be longer than your post. Sufice to say it is by far number one on my list.
2. St. Paul- less glamours than Minneapolis kind of like typical twins. One outgoing one more reserved. It has a very old feel to it, and the art is mostly free which gives all the oportunity to delve into that sceen.
3. Milwaukee - If it weren't for the new construction Milwuakee used to be the city I could get around best. Its a very manigable place with good venus and charming resurants. But it opperates more like a large suburb with all types of festivels. Bastile Days, tate of milwaukee, Summerfest ect. Like La Valle's Dairy Days I wouldn't be suprised if they had a Miller Brew Bonaza in the future.
4. Chicago - A more recent addition, as its kind of the large scary forbiden place. Lots of crime. Love the Millenium Park, and the Shed. The art is much higher quality than anyother place I've been. Especially the theater opportunities. I'm super jeleous of my cousin who lives there, and the style of activities she attends. And unlike the mountains that never move Skyscrapers always seem alive.
5. St. Louis for my 8th grade class trip. I remember the bus rides being the best part, and all the candy everyone's folks sent along for snacking. Although I would never send Faith with that much. She would get plenty just by mooching. We went in the thing that looks like the Mc Donalds Arc. The elevators are not for the claustriphobic.
Well I gotta go get dressed before I head to chruch. I love you, and would like to explore cities new and old together some day.
12/04/2006 4:26 PM
Well, I definitely don't have five that I've actually been to, but I would like to join in on this.
1.NYC--I haven't been there, but I am infatuated with it--the whole idea of it. The Sex and the City lifestyle (without all the sex) appeals to me. I would like to teach at a college there someday.
2.Milwaukee--I think Milwaukee has such a better feel to it than Kenosha does. I plan on getting my teaching certificate or master's from UWM, so most likely I'll live there sometime soon.
3.Chicago--Another place I would like to live, but its way too expensive and has a high crime rate, but it has a really great theater scene and other arts. If I can't get out to NYC, maybe I'll find a job there and teach.
4.The Twin Cities--I loved going there with Michelle and I regret not having gone back since. Maybe we should make a trip?
5.Madison--another one in Wisconsin, just for the fact that I hardly ever go anywhere outside of Wisconsin. I like the shops and the college atmosphere, but I don't think I could actually live there.
12/11/2006 11:14 AM
Great blog Kelly...I miss you guys and can't wait to see you in a little over a week! We will be in our 4th TCF Holidazzle Parade tonight in Downtown Minneapolis - I must say the best "holiday" parade in the US.
Without further adieu, here are my top five US Cities:
1. Minneapolis - I love it...working downtown is wonderful, the new Guthrie is fabulous (we have educator's season tickets - awesome seats at half the price....tempting??!), a new Twins Stadium coming in 2010, outstanding arts with plenty of job opportunities, biking/running trails and lakes. You really can't beat it.
2. Boston - nannied there in summer of 2000...loved every minute of the culture and rich US History. Aaron and I would love to live there someday or at the very least get back there for an extended vacation sometime soon.
3. Portland - Talk about character...I enjoyed Portland for a week back in January 2003 with my best friend. I loved the mountains/hills/bluffs, the biking/hiking/running trails, lighthouses, coffee shops on every corner and of course the fountains. You are minutes from the coast, Multnomah Falls and hours from Mt. Hood, Steve Prefontaine's birth place, Seattle and wine country. Okay, so it rains a lot - at least it's not negative degree windchill and the city just seemed slower-paced to me - which I loved!
4. Chicago - I've visited this city a number of times for work and stayed a couple nights for pleasure this summer. I love the architecture, museums, lake, Navy Pier, Milennium Park, trails, etc....everything there is to see and do. We need to make it back so we can check out the Shedd!
5. San Francisco - I've been to this northern California city twice and both times enjoyed a glowing feeling while taking it all in. The ocean, the cobblestone streets and who could forget the "Full House" homes that line street after street after street, inches from touching! It's wine country, it has one of the coolest baseball parks around and the architecture is amazing! How can they build bridges that long?!
One thing that I don't enjoy about big cities is traffic....wow, between Boston's "Big Dig" and Chicago's all around crazy road system, I don't know which is worse!
Kelly and Michelle, you should come back to Mpls at some point - it was meant to be...you both have it as your number one! :)
Love you - Katie
12/16/2006 11:15 AM
You're all a bunch of Philistines! How you can put those cities ahead of Chicago...I ought to commit Harry Carry righ here on the computer!
Unfortuanately I'm going to limit myself to cities I've been to.
1. The NYC - New York is the capital of the world and everybody knows it. You might call it Gomorrah (to Las Vegas Sodom?) but the only time I've only been allowed to cry in church and been offered free pie was at an Episcopal edifice on the Upper East Side. Although maybe it's easier to be nice with all that money.
2. London - The Capital taught cities how to be cities.
3 Chicago - Otto Von Bismark's only regret was to never see Chicago. You can't make this shit up. The only city that Chicago's jealous of is...New York.
4 Istanbul - History is literally around every corner. You like churches? Try the Hagia Sophia or the Blue Mosque.
5 Amsterdam - It's not for why you think. Soft drugs being legal. Nah. It's truly one of the most Romantic and beautiful cities in the world. Edges Paris, slightly. More canals (and more logical ones) than Venice. And they speak American English.
12/26/2006 2:38 AM
I don't have five.
1. Chicago. Walked the streets many times. I love the buildings. It's really amazing.
2. Tampa. Took a walking tour one time. Not as impressive to as Chicago, but was a nice downtown area.
3. Atlanta. Visited during the '96 Olympic games. Didn't tour the city much, spent most of the time in Olympic Park and in Underground Atlanta...a cool place as I remember it.
1/18/2007 11:54 PM
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