Day Tripper
On Mish's blog, you heard or can hear about her recent adventures in Minnesota with two of her youth group students. Now it's my turn to share my experiences with Faith. We traveled with the girls to Minnesota. Then Mish dropped us off on Thursday, had lunch with my mom and brother and took off back to the cities to spend some time at the U.
The rest of Thursday was really fun and pretty relaxing. Faith's "little" cousin, Tyren, came over. (he is 2 months younger than her, but 8 pounds heavier) He brought his dad, Thor, along with him. Also my sisters came over later. Thor and John, my brother, played horseshoe while Tyren played in the dirt. I didn't want Faith to play in the dirt, so we brought a blanket and some toys outside in the shade. She had fun with my sisters, a little apprehensive at first, but warming up to them rather quickly. We brought a table close by and decided to play some cards and drink some lemonade. We threw Jacks for partners and I landed my brother, John, while my mom got Thor. It was fun. John and I won the first three games, then my mom and Thor won the next two.
Friday was very emotional for me. Faith, my sister Kim, my mom, and I went to the Crossroads Mall. It was fun - for a mall. Faith did the cutest thing with a small bottle of lotion that my mom gave her to play with. She immediately tried putting it under her arms like deodorant. Too funny. Faith also got extremely excited when my mom pulled out a big blueberry/raspberry muffin. Her eyes got so big and her arms shot up towards the muffin. She thoroughly enjoyed it gyrating with her body and saying "Yummy!" in between bites.
When we got home from the mall, Faith was tired. She didn't have a nap yet and it was almost 3pm. So we walked in through the garage and I put Faith down and she climbed up the stairs. I was right behind her. When she got to the landing, there were a couple of pairs of shoes in her way. Before I could move the shoes or do anything, Faith tripped over one of them and fell down. Normally this wouldn't have been an issue. Faith falls pretty gracefully, either on her butt, or she gets her hands out in time. But this time there was a big wooden decorative base board in the way. Her head hit right on it. She broke into tears immediately. When I saw it, I did too. It was so blue. My mom got a knife and put it on it right away. The knife trick surprisingly worked. Faith wouldn't let us put any ice or anything else on her forehead, only that cool calming knife. How bizarre? Faith seemed like herself most of the evening. I was devistated. I hate it when innocent ones get hurt. Especially when she's your own. The evening ended with us going over to my sister, Kim and Don's place, having dinner, playing cards, games with Tyren and Faith, and watching the Twins win an extra inning game. Faith and I stayed over.
Saturday morning Faith was up and ready to play bright and early. Kim got up and wanted to make us breakfast. She enjoyed playing with Faith and cooking for us. Faith really loved her french toast. Faith took a long nap when we got back to my parents house. I helped my dad with some yard work. It was real nice just sitting down and taking a break with him. A little kitty kept us company as we talked about life. Just so you all know my parents do not own a cat. It just arrived on Friday mysteriously. When Faithy woke up she was real excited to see the kitten. She at first called it a puppy. But after being corrected she chanted, "Kitty!" getting as close to it as she dared to. I have some cute pics that I will try and put on the blog. We watched Napolean Dynamite that night. My family laughed and most of them thought there was no plot but enjoyed the silliness of it all.
Sunday morning was Father's day. Faith had a cute present for me to start the day. No, it wasn't a big poop, although she did poop so many times over the four days. She was up at about 6am, but I picked her up and brought her in bed with me. She put her arms around me and closed her eyes again. It was so nice. We slept until about 8:30. What a Father's day present, huh? We went to church, came back and had brunch. I got my sister's car packed up with our stuff. My sister, Katie, was the one hosting Mish and her students, and she came down for Father's day, but also to bring Faith and I back to Michelle.
Overall, it took a lot of energy. I had a good time. Faith had a great time, she was so cute. My time would have been better if Faith hadn't tripped over that shoe and busted her head. A week later, there is still a little bruising visible.