
decorative rocks: Beauty or the Beast

So I know that I haven't written for awhile... okay like forever. But let me explain. You see, it is fall. So many things are happening for me in the fall.
  • I am a teacher and the school year starts.
  • In baseball the pennant races heat up in Sept/Oct and the playoffs begin
  • Football starts, which also means that Fantasy Football starts up. In August the drafts take place (I am in 3 leagues: Currently my teams are all 3-2, which is respectable)
  • My wife is pregnant and sick. (This means that I am taking care of Faith a lot more, which is great, but time consuming especially since I am not a very good multitasker.)
  • I participate in 2 small groups on Tuesday and Wednesday nights with our church. (1 youth oriented and one 20-30's group)

So that is how I have been spending my time.

Okay - back to the main idea of the post.

Have any of you noticed at some new establishments their ideas for landscape architecture are decorative rocks?

I mean truly I understand the concept of rocks being beautiful. I love the mountains - I wouldn't mind at all living close to them. They truly show God's power and his creativity, his brilliance. But for people to think that a rock is decorative when it is about 3 ft by 3 ft by 3 ft sitting on the edge of grass, where a curb is supposed to be, makes totally no sense to me. In fact every time I see some stupid decorative rock it makes me never want to visit that place ever again! It's like they take a rock and put it in the lawn and think that it is beautiful. Put it in a park, or leave it in nature.

2 months ago I was pulling into one of these establishments for a cup of coffee for my wife and scraped the bottom/side of my passenger side sliding door!!! I couldn't believe it. First of all, I couldn't really see it. Secondly, it was almost on the road where one would drive. Crazy? Yes, that is what I was thinking... and maybe a few other things.

Either way, I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on the meaningless subject of decorative rocks. Please vote for or against in your comment and give a reason either way.

I'm back - Kel