Master of my domain
After deciding to become a certified teacher and entering a program at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI, back in June of 2003, I finally have my Master's of Education and all the rights and privileges that come with that. You see, I received my teacher certification in special ed. in August '04. But I felt like there was only 12 more credits to go to get my Master's, and their is a significant pay increase, plus the feeling of being finished. So this year I took 3 more classes (One an independent study) and passed a comprehensive 4 hour exam and now look at me.
Now originally I didn't want to go to the ceremony. I think that they are so long and mostly boring. They say similar things at each one. I never went to my undergraduate ceremony at the University of MN. My mother begged, even pleaded with me, but I wouldn't cave. This time my wife wanted me to do it, and I felt like why not. Carthage is a smaller college, it shouldn't take so long. Boy was I wrong. Almost 3 hours wrong. To me that seems like a long time to just walk across a stage for 10 seconds. I can't rationalize it. My poor family and especially my poor daughter had to endure the event. I felt terrible. I just kept apologizing to them for attending. They thought I was crazy - they were saying that it was such an important event and that it should be celebrated. True. But couldn't we celebrate it at the golf course? (speaking of which... I received a new set of golf clubs from Mike, AnnMarie, and Tiffany and I really love them.) or at a baseball game? Or just over some cake and ice cream. The torture of the waiting for your diploma is almost ceremoniously and symbolically like one's time at college. Well, no - more of the length of time. 4 years for a degree. and 3 hours to walk for 10 seconds. Anyone out there agree with me, or am I just unworthy of my degree since I am so impatient. It's just that my time is very precious to me. You can't replace time. You can't buy more of it. You can only spend it or use it up. So that is why I hate wasting time. Do I feel like walking down an aisle to get a piece of paper that says "you can pick up your diploma an hour after the ceremony" is a waste of time? Yes. Was it worth it? Or as my wife, Michelle, would ask, "Doesn't it feel good to have closure?" Yes, honey, it does. I'm done.