Jesus loves the little ones like ME, Part 2
When I said, "Jesus loves the little ones like me." at the end of my post yesterday, what I meant was that I am the abortion clinic worker, or I am the homosexual. Not that I'm gay, but that Jesus came for me and them, for us, for the whole world. I am not more "chosen" than them. I don't care what the professors in seminaries tell me about Calvinism and the chosen 144,000 of the Jehovahs Witnesses (which I just threw in there because of the chosen aspect of it all - unrelated to Christianity as we know it). Jesus came for the whole world.
When asked by a disciple why He revealed Himself to them and not the world, Jesus responded by saying, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and my Father will love him."
Anyone! Sure the disciples were special and blessed because they got to know Jesus in such an incredible way, but Jesus loved everyone and anyone. The Samaritan woman at the well was also blessed and her experience with Jesus was also life changing. Samaritans were considered half-breeds, but Jesus came for her. Who are the Samaritans of today? Please give me some examples. Probably homosexuals, or the homeless. Maybe it is the people who are on welfare that our society looks down upon so much since we are so consumerized. I am not saying that we shouldn't work. But only that Jesus came for them too. I am not better or more special, or even more chosen.
So much of what we have believed in modern Christianity is about me. Our worship is a lot about me.
Hold me, Heal me, Love me.
My personal relationship with Christ.
God has a wonderful plan for my life.
I could sing of your love forever.
We emphasize an intimacy with Jesus in our public worship and our evangelical lifestyle. Even in our witnessing to others. All of that is not so bad. But that should not be our focus. I don't know where in the Bible where Jesus practiced such things. It was so much more about others, and about community. I don't want to overuse the word community. It becomes numb after awhile to Christians who are used to thinking about their quiet time, or their personal relationship. Quiet times aren't bad. Reading and studying the Bible is an awesome and life changing thing. It's just not the only thing to think about.
Lastly, and then I will let you all digest what I have been thinking about for sometime, Jesus' followers thought that he was going to be the king that would lead them against the Romans who oppressed them. They thought that he was going to be the king of the Jews. The difference between his disciples and the Pharisees who had Jesus crucified was that his disciples believed in him and wanted him to be the king to save them, while the Pharisees did not believe in him and did not want him upsetting anything. They said that the sign over Jesus' head at his crucifiction should have read, "This man claimed to be King of the Jews."
So when Jesus washed his disciples feet, they were appalled at first, especially Peter. A king doesn't do that sort of thing. That's why Peter said, "Lord, you will never wash my feet."
Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you." Jesuss loved them enough to wash their dusty, dirty feet. That is something a servant would do.
What a radical example of how we are supposed to love others!